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Lesson #3 – Head – Shoulders and Hips!

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Lesson #3



Leverage is effortless!

Lesson #1

(Review Lesson below)

Space/Width are Vital!

Lesson #2

(Review Lesson below)

Take Arms/Hips Out

Lesson #4

 (coming Thursday)


July 2, 2024 - Head - Shoulders and Hips

Master Coaching “LIVE” golf show  

With Real-Time Q&A!

Pensacola, FL

2/6 PLAYER- Lionel Bailey – Seattle, WA
2/6 I’m bragging 2/6 @terrybradley. Shot this score today at the historic Colonial Country Club. came in 3rd place. On the first tee, I out drove the TCU golf players on a par 5. TCU golf coach asked me, “where did you play golf in college?” I said, “no where.” He said, “that’s a hellava swing , do you still have eligibility?!!!” Lol such a great day! So proud. I will post pictures also. 2/6 for life!!!
2/6 confession:
I’m playing right now wit a close friend. I’m sticking my irons, he on the other hand is having a tough round. I want to help but don’t want to give away my 2/6 secrets because I’ll give away money in future rounds. 🤔

United Kingdom, UK

2/6 Player Julian Hughes (U.K.) gets to a 1 Handicap!

Allen, Tx

Tyrone Wilson – Dallas, TX  has gone from a high 90’s golfer to 7 handicap.
no joke I probably spent $1000 a year on golf instruction aides and videos before 2/6… not to mention tried every single teacher on YouTube…

But like I tell my kids, I just consider it an education. Now I know a whole bunch of things that don’t work so it wasn’t all wasted money lol…

Dallas, TX

Vinh Tran 2/6 Player Dallas, TX
2/6 PLAYER Vinh Tran is down to a
6 HANDICAP!!  Alright Vinh quit rubbing it in ⤵️
I’ve been mostly practicing short game and just trusting in my full swing to do it’s job. It has been pretty consistent.


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Masterclass Swings

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