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I’m Terry Bradley

I’m the creator of the 2/6 Golf Swing Method, The 2/6 Golf Academy and author of the 5 Star Rated golf ebook “The Method” that gives weekend golfers the 2 simple swing adjustments that provides more consistency and distance.

When I first started playing golf back in 2000, I had no idea how to swing a golf club. Then (almost by accident) I created what has become golf’s truly simple swing method.  This method has become the swing standard for better ball striking, more consistency, more distance and lower scores.  It’s literally transformed how golf is taught online. And it’s also helped me become one of the top golf coaches in the world.

Here’s how it happened from 2 simple setup adjustments…in 2013 I posted my first Youtube video on the downswing for any golfer who wanted to learn how to stop casting.  In the video I employed the 2 simple setup ajustments that led to an eaiser downswing.  I explained “how to” get to an eaiser downswing by employing the 2 setup adjustments.  From there little did I know that from that first Youtube video I would evenutally have millions of views and tens of millions of minutes watched on my channel.

Today, my dedication is still focused on the same 2 simple adjustments at setup that leads to ALL 6 club and body positions more easily.  Even after all these years and having thousands of golfers all over the world who now employ the 2/6 Golf Swing Method into their swings, I’ve never lost sight of how the  golf swing can be taught with the same 2 simple swing adjustments!

When I started, I purchased my first set of golf clubs from Wal-Mart with the matching golf cap

I was introduced to golf out of college in 1992 took one swing and hit a horrible slice and that was enought for me.

Then in 2000 I was on my wedding anniversy in FL and noticed the beauitiful golf courses there and decided to give golf another chance.

I’ll never forget how nervous I was the very first time I played with others golfers on the course.

Back then, I was told to keep a flatter lead wrist and keep my rear elbow tucked in as I take the club back.

The problem was that it wasn’t consistent.

I knew I had to do something different because the golf lessons I was taking where not working or I was going to quit the game.

So with my willingness to keep going I deciced to learn from the horses mouth.  I took my DVR’s remote control and studied the tour pros in slo mo.  What I saw was eye openig to say the least!

And that’s when I knew I was onto something…

I kept refining my swing process while studying swing positions from the pros and my results kept getting better… until my swing process was almost guaranteed. (for me anyway)

I started sharing what I learned  on YouTube and the results others golfers like me were getting was very good.

Pretty soon, I was getting asked to conduct golf clinics with the golfers that took a chance on my golf swing discovery by enrolling in my monthly membership for more personal coaching.  The amazing results continued to be sent in – and that’s when I decided to turn it into a step-by-step swing method that anyone could follow.  Now the only question is could I teach it as well as I could perform it and the answer was YES!  (pic 2/6er Adam Kesler, Champaign, IL)

That was the start on an incredible wave of golfers who were having as much success with this simple swing method as I was. 

Back then, and even now, no one in the golf instruction world teaches about a “golf swing method” that is simultaneous.  It’s geared to being  sequential.  But what I found was its hard to teach the golf swing effectively after it has already started and thats what sequential does.  But now my simple swing method began to change the way weekend golfers approached the golf swing.  It was now becomimg a repeatable method and not just a swing.

And of course, through my research and study these 2 simple swing technique adjustments where not too hard or difficlut for weekend to adapt to.  They are for everyone who wants to improve. 

Tens of thousands of goflers have touched my simple swing method either on online or in person and that number is growing every day.

And of course, there are a lot of things that have changed in my golf game and business since that very first Youtube video.


Today, I live in Louisville, KY, with my wife Rachel.  We currently go back and forth from Kentucky to Grenada, W. I. (Caribberan) where we engage in the ministry and maintain the golf network. The network is still growing and plan to launch 2 more produtcts around the simple swing golf concept.  I’ve got an amazing golf network that helps golfers around the world  play better golf and enjoy the game that they love.

I have a 5 Star rated golf ebook is growing in populairty  I put on live golf clinics, retreats and outings from coast to coast and occasionally around the world.

All of this was possible because I decided to question traditional golf teachings that was getting me and so many other golfers no where.

And now, it’s my golf goal to continue to help weekend golfers around the world fall in love with this wonderful game all over again!

It could happen for you, too.


I’m no different from you. I didn’t have any advantages when I first started golfing at age 32.  I like to say that with the 2/6 Golf Method everyone’s golf game starts at zero reguradless of how old you are.

But, I made it a point to create the kind of golf swing I could take anywhere with me when playing the best courses in the world.  And I’ve helped a lot of golfers around the world achieve this same goal.

So, if you’d like to learn how you can create your truly simpe golf swing, then sign up for my free 2/6 Master Class Workshop below.

I’ve had golfers create their simple swing and send me their results  just from watching these free videos:


This site – – is basically the place where I share what I’ve seen, what I’ve done… and what I’ve learned throughout the last 6+ years in understanding and developing this swing method.

I started playing golf in 2000 with no direction on how to swing.  It’s been a crazy ride… taking lessons and watching hours of video on Youtube…and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

This site is about you and the thousands of golfers around the world.  My goal is to simply administer and help you acheive your simple swing so you can play, with confidence, the best golf courses around the world or in your hometown and always have in the back of your mind that “Golf is fun again!”